man and woman kissing

The Battle of Trendy vs Timeless

Happy 2022! It’s a New Year, obviously, and so much comes with that. Northwest Indiana, for example, likes to bring new weather in January! It was zero in our neck of the woods this morning, but two weeks ago it was 55 so… ya know. New.

And with the new, you start to look at trends and inspiration. We do events and celebrations around here, so, we’re on the lookout for new color palettes and décor ideas.

To learn more about these trends, we have clients who turn to social media. We have vendor members here at Orchestrated Events who turn to estate sales and paint stores. We have a local wedding magazine whose last quarterly issue was full of soft hues and macrame for the transition from summer to fall; while the issue dropping this week if full of cranberry and navy blue tones, with gold and other shimmery winter elements.

And we have brides who eagerly await the Pantone Color of the Year! Don’t know what that is?

Well for 2022 it’s a periwinkle blue. “The Pantone Color of the Year reflects what is taking place in our global culture, expressing what people are looking for that color can hope to answer.” added Laurie Pressman, Vice President of the Pantone Color Institute. “Creating a new color for the first time in the history of our Pantone Color of the Year educational color program reflects the global innovation and transformation taking place. As society continues to recognize color as a critical form of communication, and a way to express and affect ideas and emotions and engage and connect, the complexity of this new red violet infused blue hue highlights the expansive possibilities that lay before us”. For the bride who wants to have it all, we point out that this year’s color palette embraces the warm and cool ends of the color palette spectrum, by combining both reds and blues.

The tricky part of design (And life! And business!) is trying to incorporate these trends so that you feel current and relevant, while at the same time maintaining a sense of commitment to The Timeless. There are things that don’t change; nor should they. Planning an event, a vacation, an entrepreneurial endeavor, a spiritual journey, whatever, should focus on the timeless absolutes!

In our business, in our little shop in the Midwest, we focus on 6 Values:

  • Integrity (doing the right thing when no one’s watching)
  • Honesty (being truthful not just in what we say but in what we do, all day in every way)
  • Excellence (doing a few things really well rather that doing all the things halfway)
  • People (being committed to our clients and to our members who serve them)
  • Family (being committed to our own Work/Life Balance so that our members are fulfilled and at peace as they create celebrations for others)
  • Beauty (finding the joy in the large and in the small, so that we’re operating out of a full vessel rather than an empty one)

Happy 2022, everyone. Blessings as you join your own Trendy & Timeless this year!