These are the most popular questions we are asked. If you don't see yours let us know and we'll help you out!
We are a collection of vendors in the wedding/event industry who pay Membership Dues, and in return we share space and clients!
Maybe. But if you have Orchestrated Events physical space, your customers can come here to pick up… your items! Depending on your Membership Tier, you also have the option of displaying your product in our showroom and at our parking lot events for other customers to see.
Yes! Use our web address, our office phone, our address, for all your business needs! Our brick and mortar space becomes your place of business.
That’s exactly what we want to do! We can help you create your business cards, Facebook page, and learn about growing your “hobby” into a business!
Absolutely. Membership perks include scheduled time in our office space and meeting time in our Coffee & Consultation room. You have a professional environment to be in the office to get items checked off of your to-do list, or conduct a private appointment with a potential client!
Definitely. Our goal is to execute several events in one day (multiple weddings per Saturday, for example), and if we only have one photographer or florist, or DJ, that spreads our vendor team too thin. We want to grow our Collective so we have more services to offer clients!
There is an Orchestrated Events Facebook page, an Orchestrated Events website, and each individual member also has their own social media outlets and website. We also have a Vendor Directory printed in the Consultation Room for us each to use when referring our individual clients to each other. Cross-promotion is key!
We ask for a three-month commitment at a time, with the option to withdraw or renew at the end of each period. Members also have the option of changing their Membership Tier each time.
We have each vendor sign a Membership Agreement, effective on the first of the upcoming month and current for three months. Membership dues are paid on the first of the month, one month at a time, or all at once for the quarter…whichever is easiest for the vendor.