Tips, Tricks, & Thoughts for Your Event (Whatever it is...)

Event Blog Articles

man in blue suit jacket standing beside woman in white sleeveless dress

Tidbits You Haven’t Thought Of For Your Summer/Outdoor Wedding: 

Even if you are super-organized, there are probably challenges to an outdoor wedding you have never considered.
a sign that says help wanted on a glass door

“Experienced Help Wanted”

Why should you pay for a wedding coordinator? So many reasons. Pretending to be a Rabbi is only one of them...
tented event décor

Some Favorite SUmmer Party Ideas

Just a few of our favorite ideas for summer parties now that we can party again!
assorted petaled flowers centerpiece inside room

Daffodils, Lilacs, and Tulips… Oh My!

Balancing budgets and blossoms. It's not an all-or-nothing scenario.
woman in purple off-shoulder dress holding bouquet of flowers

Nice Day for a White Wedding

How about an off-white, lavender, or even black wedding dress. It's not as crazy as it sounds.
oatmeal and spoon

Stir The Oatmeal

You might want a "Stir the Oatmeal" marriage, not boring or bland, but...
elephant in the room

The Elephant in the Room

In wedding and event planning, there are family situations that resemble an elephant in the room. Learn how good event coordinators help navigate these challenges.
diamond ring

Diamond Rings: The Real Ones are Flawed

Diamond rings are the perfect metaphor for event planning. Only fake diamonds are perfect. Real diamonds are molded by time, heat, and incredible pressure!
personality types

Swipe Right: Personality Types

When considering your wedding or event vendors, make sure your personality types mesh well, especially those that will be with you all day.
event planning considerations

Parties ‘n’ Potties… The Ugly Considerations of Event Planning

There are many "ugly" and/or behind-the-scenes aspects to a wedding. Leave it all to the professionals, or you might just find that someone forgot to rent port-a-potties!
quotes wedding coordinator overheard

10 Memorable Wedding Quotes Overheard by a Wedding Coordinator

As a Wedding Coordinator, we've heard some unusual quotes from the party guests. Read our top ten funniest moments and let your imagination do the rest.
event planner and kintsugi meaning

What Kintsugi Means to an Event Planner

After two years of living with COVID-19, we're celebrating again. Learn how the Japanese artform, Kintsugi, relates to an event planner and how brokenness can be beautiful.
tapestry as celebration of life

Your Tapestry as a Celebration of Life

Read about how life is like a tapestry -- the vertical strings are what you were given, then you add your own gifts, and when it's completed, it's a celebration of life.

Just a Party Planner

Being an event coordinator is more than just planning parties. It's about making memories and building relationships.


The cherry on top... don't forget the dessert.

Spring Events in the Midwest

Outdoor events are becoming even more popular. Looking for fun, unique ideas?
beach handbag placed on sand

The Mary Poppins Bag

Be sure to bring your toolbox, and also make sure you have the right tools in it.

Tips and Tricks for Wedding Planning

5 Tips for the DIY Bride (and why you might not want to DIY).

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

"Keep the small stuff small."
man and woman kissing

The Battle of Trendy vs Timeless

How do you embrace the trends while valuing tradition?
advertising alphabet blog business

Pinterest vs Process

Journey or Destination? Process or Pinterest? Dare I say both?

The Symphony of the Whole

Orchestrated Events is about unity and celebration.


So every year, we celebrate January as a New Year. We throw around resolutions, we discuss clauses involving “new beginnings” and say things like, “out with the old and in with the new.”Never have these sentiments been more true than now, at the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021. For those of us […]

2020 Vision…

Everyone has a story. This is true every day, in every situation. But in 2020? Everyone has an adventure story! The narrative has changed, for all of us. And here at the end of it, as we prepare to celebrate Christmas and then another New Year, we’re not just looking ahead at resolutions. We’re looking […]

In everything, there is a season

The calendar says November, and the season is changing, but thankfully the temperature has allowed us to hold onto a beautiful autumn for a little longer! Mother Nature has bestowed several 70-degree days on us in the last week, and in Northwest Indiana that IS a blessing! There is an urgency to enjoying warmth around […]

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton